Every year, it goes the same way for the GamingExcellence squad. The first day we're overwhelmed with the new content on display at the halls of the Los Angeles Convention Centre, by the second day we're exhausted, and by the end of the third day we leave the centre blown away by the creativity and technological prowess on display at the ever popular Electronic Entertainment Expo, better known as E3. This year proved especially challenging in terms of selecting winners and nominees, as proven by an overnight argument marathon by the attending staffers after the second day. We persevered, played, and pondered our choices, and we think you'll agree, these games truly represent the best of what the industry has to offer.
The only question that remains is; how will the industry top itself yet again next year?
Special Achievement Awards
Every year we at GamingExcellence like to take time from ranting and raving over the latest, greatest blockbuster title to grace our greedy hands and give credit where credit is due. Some games just bring something special to the table and we want to acknowledge these titles for having something that just makes the crew say "wow" or some more vulgar variation. Innovation, graphics and artistic design are just some of the categories that get our attention here.
Best Downloadable Game
Downloadable games are the new way to get ideas to fruition in small packages at reasonable prices. Though this market contains its share of one-dimensional games, we honour those that push the envelope with novel ideas and an unprecedented amount of "bang for your buck."
And The Winner Is...

Rock of Ages
Combine real-time strategy, tower defense, and, well, a rock, and you've got Rock of Ages. Featuring distinct art, unique gameplay, and a suprisingly deep amount of strategy in a game about rolling rocks down a hill, Rock of Ages impressed all of us who saw it. Despite being at E3 for its second year in a row, we're still anticipating this title for when it's finally released.
Best Graphics - Technical
Making a game that looks nice is one thing, but piecing together all the elements of a game into an engine that doesn't impede on the frame rate is no easy task. This year's nominees push the capacities of the hardware to make games that are not only visually stunning, but enable gameplay developers to dream up new moves, new action sequences, and an overall better gaming experience.
And The Winner Is...

Battlefield 3
One of the never ending goals of the industry since Mario smashed his first brick with his head is the convincing destruction and demolition of the game environment. The technical gurus behind Battlefield 3 and the Frostbite 2 engine may very well have done it this time. In an age where the best looking game has never been more contested, Dice and EA proved to us that there's still some room for "WOW" in graphical presentation.
Best Graphics - Artistic
As graphics get better and better, more and more studios begin to deviate from simply 'realistic' graphics, and style becomes a large part of the display. It gets to the point when these new stylized graphics, while perhaps not as processor-pushing as some, are better to look at than their more realistic counterparts.
And The Winner Is...

BioShock: Infinite
Juxtaposing brilliantly with disturbing violence and twisted atmosphere of the game, BioShock Infinite's ultra colorful palate and mindblowing environments ran away with our Best Graphics - Artistic category. From the expressive face of Elizabeth, to the robotic motions of the frightening Songbird, to the intense pit-of-your-stomach feel of jumping from rail to rail, Bioshock Infinite was no slouch in a technical sense either.
Technical Achievement
The nominees for the Technical Achievement award are typically games that have pushed the limits of their host system. Sometimes that means creating massive worlds, photo-realistic graphics, or visually impressive effects. Past titles have also been nominated for creating ultra-efficient game engines to run on limited hardware, and every few years, exciting new hardware opens large doors for the games of the future.
And The Winner Is...

Frostbite 2 Engine
Not only do titles using the engine look fantastic, but the flexiblity of the engine was one of the nicest surprises at the show. The engine is not only being used in the technical flagship that is Battlefield 3, but also in titles like Mirror's Edge 2 and Need for Speed: The Run. The technical powerhouse could very well give the well-established Unreal Engine a run for its money in the near future.
Best Innovation
We can take this one straight out of the dictionary; the award for Best Innovation goes to the game or system that introduced not a new feature, but a platform for creating new features. We're talking about games or hardware that stretch the limits of your imagination by presenting new concepts in gameplay, story-telling, graphics, sound, and all other elements that make gaming the top entertainment market in the world.
And The Winner Is...

Wii-U Controller
You'd be forgiven for simply dismissing Nintendo's newest contraption as a gimmick designed to bring in more bucks from a casual crowd that doesn't know better. You'd be wrong. The gameplay possibilities of having a screen on a motion controller will accomplish goals that Sega could only dream about with their Dreamcast VMU at the turn of the century. The most exciting ability? Moving the controller around to look into a window into game world that completely surrounds the player a full 360 degrees. Coupled with PlayStation 3 level graphics, and it seems Nintendo could very well be creating a whole new market demographic for themselves all over again. Oh, and forget about all those rumors about the Wii-U only supporting one controller. We got the straight goods from Nintendo themselves during our hands on, and they confirmed to us that multiple tablets will certainly be possible at the same time.
Biggest Surprise
There are always the titles and technology that you look forward to: triple-A titles that have been releasing teasers, pictures and trailers to excite. However, there are always those titles that developers seek to keep under wraps, and while some are quietly introduced, sometimes one or two make our jaws drop, wondering how the developers could've possibly this under wraps.
And The Winner Is...

Sony's 3D Splitscreen TV
We'll admit it, we're not the biggest fans of 3D TV technology here at GamingExcellence. Clunky glasses, expensive hardware, and underwhelming visuals are only a couple of reasons why. However, when we laid hands and eyes on Sony's new 3D technology at their press conference, we were blown away by what could very well be the next generation of split screen play. Instead of cutting the screen in half, each player can now put on their glasses and only see their screen being played. This would have brought a whole new dimension to our GoldenEye multiplayer games on the N64 back in the day. Very exciting stuff.
Genre Awards
Whether you like shooting the lights out, punching the gas out of the starting line, placing yourself in the shoes of a fantastical knight, or even racking your brain to solve a puzzle, everyone has a favorite genre of game. Every staff member at GamingExcellence is the same way, and here are our choices for the best of each individual genre.
Best Action Adventure Game
Like Elvis once said, "A little less conversation, a little more action." That's what this genre is all about, telling a great a story while moving the action forward with satisfying action and impressive set pieces. All of the games listed below brought those elements together in convincing fashion.
And The Winner Is...

Batman: Arkham City
This game had Senior Editor Andrew Sztein so excited that he literally lost his mind. We have video evidence of him taking off his dress shirt and running around the outside of the Convention Centre, claiming to be Batman, and it will be posted shortly. It's easy to see why the game had such an effect on him. With seamless combat, stylish graphics, brand-new play mechanics as Catwoman, and a huge chunk of Gotham City to swing, glide, and punch around in, Batman: Arkham City is a can't miss game for bat-fans and non-fans alike.
Best Fighting Game
Video games are all about competition, and what form of competition is more pure than going mano a mano with a friend or the CPU? True fighting game fans know that it's more than just two characters mashing buttons, and that the fighting genre can actually be the some of the deepest and most satisfying genres possible from a controller.
And The Winner Is...

UFC Undisuputed 3
Even those who don't follow the UFC matches will have to agree that this game takes the fist, err, cake. The graphics are as fluid as water, leaving you feeling like you're watching a Blu-ray rendered fight. With new moves, and a simpler submission control, new and old players of the series can enjoy beating each other senseless in-game without leaving broken TVs and controllers in their wake.
Best Massively-Multiplayer Online Game
The MMO genre has been one of incredible growth for the PC market, both in popularity and, consequently, in developers. Many independent studios are releasing MMO titles under the shadow of the most popular game of the genre, Blizzard's World of Warcraft. From space epics to medieval battles, this genre is all about teamwork with people you'll probably never meet in person.
And The Winner Is...

Star Wars: The Old Republic
As much awarded for the promise of putting actual role playing into an MMORPG as its treatment of Star Wars, Bioware's continuation of the Knights of the Old Republic saga combines the best of single player and multiplayer role playing games for a truly immersive experience. instead of just copying either WoW or City of Heroes, ToR feels innovative and familiar at the same time.
Best Music Game
What begun as a small, insignificant genre a decade ago, has exploded and ballooned into a meta-genre that has not only capture the imagination of millions, but even given a significant revenue stream to a music industry that rivals even the mighty iTunes. While strumming on plastic guitars may be getting a little long in the tooth, these titles show that the music genre still has plenty of rocking out left to do.
And The Winner Is...

Guitarists, the gaming world heard your laments over Guitar Hero's Fisher Price-style "imposter" of a guitar game. Rocksmith has achieved what many have hoped for: the ability to learn how to, and play, an actual, real-life guitar. Many will look forward to the finger-callous-filled days where you can plug in any guitar and rock out as you gawk out over learning - or fine-tuning - the real deal, all the while using your surround sound as your own personal amp. The gaming experience will make you forget you're actually learning a (gasp!) real-life ability, complete with techniques and learning how to restring a guitar, as you play your way to high scores on many a different song. Now you'll be able to brag to the world that you're a "Guitar Hero", and for once it will actually be true.
Best Platformer
While music games might be one of the newest additions to the video game market platforming games are one of the biggest staples of the video game market. From early examples like Donkey Kong and the original Mario Bros. these games have found their way onto almost every gamers shelves at some point. Having grown far beyond their initial humble roots there is still a whole lot of innovation at play in this well respected genre.
And The Winner Is...

Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
After ten instalments, you'd think we'd be bored of Ratchet and his clanking companion, but that's just because you haven't played All 4 One. Coupling the creative new weapons with drop-in, drop-out co-op multiplayer for up to four players? Simply genius, and an easy choice for our winner in a sadly under-served category.
Best Puzzle Game
If it doesn't make you stop and scratch your head once in a while, it's not nominated in this category. There's tons of puzzle games out there; from web-based arcade games to high-profile behemoths, many developers have realized that the human brain is attracted to problem solving. What sets our nominees apart is their ability to present problems in creative news ways and get those gears spinning, without boring you to death.
And The Winner Is...

Puzzle Agent 2
Nobody does adventure games quite like Telltale, and none will have you scratching your head in the best of ways like this sequel to the quirky original. Once again filling the shoes of government puzzle agent Nelson Tethers, players will play through a twisted and surreal adventure with well designed puzzles and true brain teasers.
Best Racing/Driving Game
It's simply human nature to compete, and the purest form of that competition is racing one another. Gamers being the competitive beings that they are, it only makes sense that the racing genre remains one of the most popular amongst casual and hardcore gamers alike.
And The Winner Is...

Need for Speed: The Run
It was a close one with Forza Motorsport 4, but in the end, we asked ourselves which game is bringing more new content to the table. Forza may be comprehensive and realistic, but Need For Speed: The Run's real-life roadway from San Francisco to New York, compelling storyline, and Heavy-Rain style out of the car action sequences has us eager to squeal some tires with the insanely popular franchise yet again. Despite two other releases in the franchise in less than a year, our Need For Speed continues.
Best Role-Playing Game
Role-playing titles have deviated severely from their late-80s definition that Final Fantasy started. Nowadays, role-playing games share elements of many genres, but there's always a unifying element of customization, of choice, and progression of strength through the completion of goals.
And The Winner Is...

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Bethesda has once again made one hell of an impression with their latest title, offering a massive world to swing a sword or throw a lightning bolt in. The setting feels epic in size, the possibilities endless, and with all new mechanics like shout abilities and multi-handed combat, it's hard not to get excited. And then there are the battles with dragons...
Best Shooter
The shooter genre has come a long way since the days of Wolfenstein 3D and Doom back in the days of DOS and 386 computers. What is likely the most crowded and popular genre in all of the industry, competition is always tight and this year's E3 was no exception. It was a massive firefight between these titles.
And The Winner Is...

Battlefield 3
Technical prowess aside, Battlefield 3 is simply a fantastic shooter. This was easily the most crowded field of the show, and yet Battlefield 3 stood head and shoulders above the rest in a very impressive category. Whether you're referring to the realistic combat, the extraordinary multiplayer, the plethora of vehicles, hyper-detailed graphics, or realistic destruction, giving Battlefield 3 the best shooter award over our other nominees was one of the easiest choices to make.
Best Sports Game
Why go out and play a real sport when you can do it in the comfort of your living room? Okay, moral obligations require us to remind you that playing sports is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Still, these titles bring together the best aspects of their respective representations of their chosen sport in some of the best ways possible.
And The Winner Is...

Downhill skiing and snowboard games have lent themselves beautifully to video games since the days of the Atari 2600, and the new SSX is a brilliant culmination of the countless snowboarding titles to hit our consoles in that time. The most impressive aspect of the game? the fact that every mountain in the world is available in game. By using Google Maps and NASA data, the developers have rendered more scalable mountains in the game that any human being could possibly see in their lifetime. the fact that the game is super-over-the-top fun certainly helped its case too.
Best Strategy Game
Though problem solving is inherent in all games, strategy games are less about shooting your way out of tough situations than thinking your way out. Naturally, this still leaves a world of possibilities open to developers of the genre and opens the doors wide to a variety of titles.
And The Winner Is...

Tropico 4
What do you do with a tropical island of your own? Tropico 4 leaves that all up to you, while providing you with many options and choices that can make or break your island of bliss. New disasters to avert (or to plague your residents with), new buildings, and the ability to share the island with privatized companies, add to the experience, while the gorgeous graphics leave you craving a Daiquiri as you gallivant in your own paradise. How could we resist?
Platform Awards
While it's nice to see which shooter or which racing game is the best out there, most gamers just don't have every console on the market. We make it easy for you by letting you know our picks for the best titles per console, so you know what to buy the next time you're at the mall.
Best PC Exclusive
The PC has become an often overlooked platform, and unrightfully so. It remains one of the premiere gaming platforms, and although it may not have the modern gaming library you'll find on the consoles, it's strengths allow for a variety of games not easily possible on the consoles. MMO's, true simulations, and real-time strategy still dominate on the PC, plus anyone who just prefers shooting an enemy with a good ole mouse and keyboard.
And The Winner Is...

Star Wars: The Old Republic
This is the second year in a row that Star Wars: The Old Republic has picked up our best PC exclusive award, the game keeps getting better every time we see it. Featuring a fully voiced cast, epic story lines for each character class, and solid MMO mechanics, Star Wars: The Old Republic is looking to be one of the most promising MMOs in years - perhaps even great enough to unseat the once untouchable World of Warcraft.
Best Console Exclusive
Winners in this category do not necessarily have to exclusive to that console, but can't be available on any competing platform. For example, to be eligible, a game can appear on the PC, but can only appear on one of the major systems, be it Wii, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3. A title can appear on the PlayStation 3 and the PSP, but not elsewhere. Considering we're in an age where the third party console exclusive is pretty much dead, we felt this change was necessary to encourage a more competitive spirit in the category. Without further ado, we present you our choice for the best Console Exclusive at E3!
And The Winner Is...

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Who knew that the Wii had some life left in it yet? Leave it adventurer extraordinare Link to unearth it too. Using the full extent of the Wii motion plus and graphics that few thought possible on the Wii hardware, and we know that the latest Zelda adventure will be a hit just like all the others. In the end, it was the controls that sold us, with smooth motions allowing us to steer bugs, launch arrows, throw bombs, and pin-point where we wanted out sword to go. Expect opinions of this game to continue pointing skyward as we approach its release date.
Best Multi-Platform Console Game
Games cost millions and millions of dollars to make these days. Is it any wonder then, that publishers push to have their creations appear on as many platforms as possible? Besides, who says that someone should have to lose out on a great gaming experience because they could only afford one of the latest systems? All of these experiences are worth your time, whether experience from behind a 360 controller, mouse and keyboard, Dual Shock 3, Wii-mote, Kinect, PlayStation move, and so on.
And The Winner Is...

Battlefield 3
Are you really surprised? Battlefield 3 has pretty much taken the award for every category we nominated it for, and was our surprise pick for best multi-platform game. The reasoning is simple, no game brought the "wow" as consistently and convincingly as DICE's masterpiece in the making.
Best Handheld Game
In a world of 99 cent apps and mobile phone gaming, it was a great comfort to know that standard hand-held gaming is not only alive and well, but can provide a more compelling gaming experience than is possible on an iPhone or Android Handset. Whether experienced on old standbys like the PSP and DS, or through newer, more tech savvy hardware like the 3DS and PS Vita, dedicated portable gaming platforms are still an important part of our industry's future and all of these nominees prove it.
And The Winner Is...

Kid Icarus: Uprising
It seems Kid Icarus has used the time since his last appearance to really spiff up the gameplay experience in his world. Using the DS' top screen and the touch-screen effectively, you're brought on a funny, anime-esque adventure complete with continuous action, amusing discussions between characters as you play, beautiful graphics, and a great balance between rail- and fighting-style of gaming. Along with there being many a weapon available for your choosing, and the ability to play very well-designed multi-player battles, it's no wonder Kid Icarus rose up to the top in this category.
Game of the Show
This is the category you've all been waiting for - the big cheese of the big show itself. The winner listed below has fulfilled every possible criteria that our team of nearly a dozen editors and journalists at the show have come to define the very best in gaming excellence.
While many games manage to make one editor or another cry out in joy this is the title that has the staff most impressed and eager to play. There's only one title that managed to unite the entire crew but there was a runner up that almost managed to disrupt the voting process. Here we tip our hats to these two titles... and beg them to be released already.
And The Winner Is...

Battlefield 3
You knew this one was coming. Whether playing with friends or playing solo, no game at the show captured our imagination quite like Battlefield 3 - and believe us, there were lots of titles vying for our attention. In the end, it's games like Battlefield 3 that keep us coming back to our favorite hobby time and time again; the never-ending pursuit of the perfect mixture of fun and realism, coupled with technology so advanced that only a few years ago it would be considered science fiction. The technology and polish that has obviously gone into Battlefield 3 not only provided an extremely fun experience, but a sense of wonder as to what might be just around the corner in gaming technology. Kudos to DICE and EA.

BioShock: Infinite
It was obviously the year of "three" at E3 this year, and the third BioShock title had us almost as excited as the opportunity to to take to the field of battle. In fact, BioShock Infinite proved to be quite the contender, unfortunately running up to Battlefield 3 in every category that it was nominated for. Still, BioShock Infinite's demo blew us away, eager to explore more of this "Rapture in the Sky." Part action game, part social commentary, and all mind blowing, BioShock Infinite is a worthy choice of our runner up game of show. Much like Buzz Aldrin being the second man on the moon, being the second best at E3 is nothing to scoff at. Many congratulations go to Ken Levine and his crew at Irrational Games for continuing to make one of the most compelling series of this generation something to get excited about.
The only question that remains is; how will the industry top itself yet again next year?
Special Achievement Awards
Every year we at GamingExcellence like to take time from ranting and raving over the latest, greatest blockbuster title to grace our greedy hands and give credit where credit is due. Some games just bring something special to the table and we want to acknowledge these titles for having something that just makes the crew say "wow" or some more vulgar variation. Innovation, graphics and artistic design are just some of the categories that get our attention here.
Best Downloadable Game
Downloadable games are the new way to get ideas to fruition in small packages at reasonable prices. Though this market contains its share of one-dimensional games, we honour those that push the envelope with novel ideas and an unprecedented amount of "bang for your buck."
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Rock of Ages
Combine real-time strategy, tower defense, and, well, a rock, and you've got Rock of Ages. Featuring distinct art, unique gameplay, and a suprisingly deep amount of strategy in a game about rolling rocks down a hill, Rock of Ages impressed all of us who saw it. Despite being at E3 for its second year in a row, we're still anticipating this title for when it's finally released.
- BurgerTime: World Tour (Konami / MonkeyPaw Games)
- Journey (SCEA)
- Kinect Fun Labs (Microsoft Game Studios / Epic Games)
- PixelJunk Sidescroller (SCEA / Q Games)
- Rock of Ages (Atlus USA / ACE Team)
Best Graphics - Technical
Making a game that looks nice is one thing, but piecing together all the elements of a game into an engine that doesn't impede on the frame rate is no easy task. This year's nominees push the capacities of the hardware to make games that are not only visually stunning, but enable gameplay developers to dream up new moves, new action sequences, and an overall better gaming experience.
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Battlefield 3
One of the never ending goals of the industry since Mario smashed his first brick with his head is the convincing destruction and demolition of the game environment. The technical gurus behind Battlefield 3 and the Frostbite 2 engine may very well have done it this time. In an age where the best looking game has never been more contested, Dice and EA proved to us that there's still some room for "WOW" in graphical presentation.
- Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts / Digital Illusions CE)
- F1 2011 (Codemasters)
- Far Cry 3 (Ubisoft / Ubisoft Montreal)
- Forza Motorsport 4 (Microsoft Game Studios / Turn 10)
- Metro: Last Light (THQ / 4A Games)
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (SCEA / Naughty Dog)
Best Graphics - Artistic
As graphics get better and better, more and more studios begin to deviate from simply 'realistic' graphics, and style becomes a large part of the display. It gets to the point when these new stylized graphics, while perhaps not as processor-pushing as some, are better to look at than their more realistic counterparts.
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BioShock: Infinite
Juxtaposing brilliantly with disturbing violence and twisted atmosphere of the game, BioShock Infinite's ultra colorful palate and mindblowing environments ran away with our Best Graphics - Artistic category. From the expressive face of Elizabeth, to the robotic motions of the frightening Songbird, to the intense pit-of-your-stomach feel of jumping from rail to rail, Bioshock Infinite was no slouch in a technical sense either.
- Bastion (WB Games / Supergiant Games)
- BioShock: Infinite (2K Games / Irrational Games)
- Journey (SCEA)
- Trine 2 (Atlus / Frozenbyte)
- The Darkness II (2K Games / Digital Extremes)
- WAKFU (Square Enix / Ankama Games)
Technical Achievement
The nominees for the Technical Achievement award are typically games that have pushed the limits of their host system. Sometimes that means creating massive worlds, photo-realistic graphics, or visually impressive effects. Past titles have also been nominated for creating ultra-efficient game engines to run on limited hardware, and every few years, exciting new hardware opens large doors for the games of the future.
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Frostbite 2 Engine
Not only do titles using the engine look fantastic, but the flexiblity of the engine was one of the nicest surprises at the show. The engine is not only being used in the technical flagship that is Battlefield 3, but also in titles like Mirror's Edge 2 and Need for Speed: The Run. The technical powerhouse could very well give the well-established Unreal Engine a run for its money in the near future.
- Frostbite 2 Engine (Digital Illusions CE)
- Kinect Fun Labs (Microsoft Game Studios / Epic Games)
- SSX's World Map (EA Canada)
- Wii-U's Window into an Alternate Reality (Nintendo)
Best Innovation
We can take this one straight out of the dictionary; the award for Best Innovation goes to the game or system that introduced not a new feature, but a platform for creating new features. We're talking about games or hardware that stretch the limits of your imagination by presenting new concepts in gameplay, story-telling, graphics, sound, and all other elements that make gaming the top entertainment market in the world.
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Wii-U Controller
You'd be forgiven for simply dismissing Nintendo's newest contraption as a gimmick designed to bring in more bucks from a casual crowd that doesn't know better. You'd be wrong. The gameplay possibilities of having a screen on a motion controller will accomplish goals that Sega could only dream about with their Dreamcast VMU at the turn of the century. The most exciting ability? Moving the controller around to look into a window into game world that completely surrounds the player a full 360 degrees. Coupled with PlayStation 3 level graphics, and it seems Nintendo could very well be creating a whole new market demographic for themselves all over again. Oh, and forget about all those rumors about the Wii-U only supporting one controller. We got the straight goods from Nintendo themselves during our hands on, and they confirmed to us that multiple tablets will certainly be possible at the same time.
- Kinect Fun Labs (Microsoft Game Studios / Epic Games)
- PlayStation Vita to PS3 Cloud Integration (SCEA)
- PlayStation Vita Rear Touchpad (SCEA)
- Sony's 3D Splitscreen TV (Sony)
- SSX's World Map (EA Canada)
- Wii-U Controller (Nintendo)
Biggest Surprise
There are always the titles and technology that you look forward to: triple-A titles that have been releasing teasers, pictures and trailers to excite. However, there are always those titles that developers seek to keep under wraps, and while some are quietly introduced, sometimes one or two make our jaws drop, wondering how the developers could've possibly this under wraps.
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Sony's 3D Splitscreen TV
We'll admit it, we're not the biggest fans of 3D TV technology here at GamingExcellence. Clunky glasses, expensive hardware, and underwhelming visuals are only a couple of reasons why. However, when we laid hands and eyes on Sony's new 3D technology at their press conference, we were blown away by what could very well be the next generation of split screen play. Instead of cutting the screen in half, each player can now put on their glasses and only see their screen being played. This would have brought a whole new dimension to our GoldenEye multiplayer games on the N64 back in the day. Very exciting stuff.
- PlayStation Vita Price Point (SCEA)
- Sony's 3D Splitscreen TV (SCEA)
- Sly Cooper Returns (SCEA)
- Wii-U (Nintendo)
Genre Awards
Whether you like shooting the lights out, punching the gas out of the starting line, placing yourself in the shoes of a fantastical knight, or even racking your brain to solve a puzzle, everyone has a favorite genre of game. Every staff member at GamingExcellence is the same way, and here are our choices for the best of each individual genre.
Best Action Adventure Game
Like Elvis once said, "A little less conversation, a little more action." That's what this genre is all about, telling a great a story while moving the action forward with satisfying action and impressive set pieces. All of the games listed below brought those elements together in convincing fashion.
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Batman: Arkham City
This game had Senior Editor Andrew Sztein so excited that he literally lost his mind. We have video evidence of him taking off his dress shirt and running around the outside of the Convention Centre, claiming to be Batman, and it will be posted shortly. It's easy to see why the game had such an effect on him. With seamless combat, stylish graphics, brand-new play mechanics as Catwoman, and a huge chunk of Gotham City to swing, glide, and punch around in, Batman: Arkham City is a can't miss game for bat-fans and non-fans alike.
- Batman: Arkham City (WB Games / Rocksteady Studios)
- Saints Row The Third (THQ / Volition)
- Tomb Raider (Square Enix / Crystal Dynamics)
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Fortune (SCEA / Naughty Dog)
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (THQ / Relic)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo)
Best Fighting Game
Video games are all about competition, and what form of competition is more pure than going mano a mano with a friend or the CPU? True fighting game fans know that it's more than just two characters mashing buttons, and that the fighting genre can actually be the some of the deepest and most satisfying genres possible from a controller.
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UFC Undisuputed 3
Even those who don't follow the UFC matches will have to agree that this game takes the fist, err, cake. The graphics are as fluid as water, leaving you feeling like you're watching a Blu-ray rendered fight. With new moves, and a simpler submission control, new and old players of the series can enjoy beating each other senseless in-game without leaving broken TVs and controllers in their wake.
- Street Fighter X Tekken (Capcom)
- SoulCalibur 5 (Namco Bandai / Project Soul)
- UFC Undisputed 3 (THQ / Yuke's)
- WWE '12 (THQ / Yuke's)
Best Massively-Multiplayer Online Game
The MMO genre has been one of incredible growth for the PC market, both in popularity and, consequently, in developers. Many independent studios are releasing MMO titles under the shadow of the most popular game of the genre, Blizzard's World of Warcraft. From space epics to medieval battles, this genre is all about teamwork with people you'll probably never meet in person.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic
As much awarded for the promise of putting actual role playing into an MMORPG as its treatment of Star Wars, Bioware's continuation of the Knights of the Old Republic saga combines the best of single player and multiplayer role playing games for a truly immersive experience. instead of just copying either WoW or City of Heroes, ToR feels innovative and familiar at the same time.
- End of Nations (Trion Worlds)
- Payday: The Heist (Sony Online Entertainment / Overkill Software)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (LucasArts / Bioware)
Best Music Game
What begun as a small, insignificant genre a decade ago, has exploded and ballooned into a meta-genre that has not only capture the imagination of millions, but even given a significant revenue stream to a music industry that rivals even the mighty iTunes. While strumming on plastic guitars may be getting a little long in the tooth, these titles show that the music genre still has plenty of rocking out left to do.
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Guitarists, the gaming world heard your laments over Guitar Hero's Fisher Price-style "imposter" of a guitar game. Rocksmith has achieved what many have hoped for: the ability to learn how to, and play, an actual, real-life guitar. Many will look forward to the finger-callous-filled days where you can plug in any guitar and rock out as you gawk out over learning - or fine-tuning - the real deal, all the while using your surround sound as your own personal amp. The gaming experience will make you forget you're actually learning a (gasp!) real-life ability, complete with techniques and learning how to restring a guitar, as you play your way to high scores on many a different song. Now you'll be able to brag to the world that you're a "Guitar Hero", and for once it will actually be true.
- Dance Central 2 (Harmonix)
- Just Dance 3 (Ubisoft)
- Rhythm Heaven (Nintendo)
- Rocksmith (Ubisoft)
- Sound Shapes (SCEA)
Best Platformer
While music games might be one of the newest additions to the video game market platforming games are one of the biggest staples of the video game market. From early examples like Donkey Kong and the original Mario Bros. these games have found their way onto almost every gamers shelves at some point. Having grown far beyond their initial humble roots there is still a whole lot of innovation at play in this well respected genre.
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Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
After ten instalments, you'd think we'd be bored of Ratchet and his clanking companion, but that's just because you haven't played All 4 One. Coupling the creative new weapons with drop-in, drop-out co-op multiplayer for up to four players? Simply genius, and an easy choice for our winner in a sadly under-served category.
- Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One (SCEA / Insomniac Games)
- Rayman Origins (Ubisoft)
- Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure (Activision / Toys for Bob)
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (SCEA / Sanzaru Games)
Best Puzzle Game
If it doesn't make you stop and scratch your head once in a while, it's not nominated in this category. There's tons of puzzle games out there; from web-based arcade games to high-profile behemoths, many developers have realized that the human brain is attracted to problem solving. What sets our nominees apart is their ability to present problems in creative news ways and get those gears spinning, without boring you to death.
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Puzzle Agent 2
Nobody does adventure games quite like Telltale, and none will have you scratching your head in the best of ways like this sequel to the quirky original. Once again filling the shoes of government puzzle agent Nelson Tethers, players will play through a twisted and surreal adventure with well designed puzzles and true brain teasers.
- Catherine (Atlus)
- Papo & Yo (Minority)
- Puzzle Agent 2 (Telltale Games)
- Tetris 3DS (Hudson Soft / Tetris Online Inc.)
Best Racing/Driving Game
It's simply human nature to compete, and the purest form of that competition is racing one another. Gamers being the competitive beings that they are, it only makes sense that the racing genre remains one of the most popular amongst casual and hardcore gamers alike.
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Need for Speed: The Run
It was a close one with Forza Motorsport 4, but in the end, we asked ourselves which game is bringing more new content to the table. Forza may be comprehensive and realistic, but Need For Speed: The Run's real-life roadway from San Francisco to New York, compelling storyline, and Heavy-Rain style out of the car action sequences has us eager to squeal some tires with the insanely popular franchise yet again. Despite two other releases in the franchise in less than a year, our Need For Speed continues.
- F1 2011 (Codemasters)
- Forza Motorsport 4 (Microsoft Game Studios / Turn 10)
- Mario Kart 3DS (Nintendo)
- Need for Speed: The Run (Electronic Arts / Black Box)
- Twisted Metal (SCEA / Eat Sleep Play)
Best Role-Playing Game
Role-playing titles have deviated severely from their late-80s definition that Final Fantasy started. Nowadays, role-playing games share elements of many genres, but there's always a unifying element of customization, of choice, and progression of strength through the completion of goals.
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Bethesda has once again made one hell of an impression with their latest title, offering a massive world to swing a sword or throw a lightning bolt in. The setting feels epic in size, the possibilities endless, and with all new mechanics like shout abilities and multi-handed combat, it's hard not to get excited. And then there are the battles with dragons...
- Dark Souls (Namco Bandai / From Software)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Square Enix / Eidos Montreal)
- Mass Effect 3 (Electronic Arts / BioWare)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda / Bethesda Game Studios)
- Torchlight II (Runic Games)
Best Shooter
The shooter genre has come a long way since the days of Wolfenstein 3D and Doom back in the days of DOS and 386 computers. What is likely the most crowded and popular genre in all of the industry, competition is always tight and this year's E3 was no exception. It was a massive firefight between these titles.
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Battlefield 3
Technical prowess aside, Battlefield 3 is simply a fantastic shooter. This was easily the most crowded field of the show, and yet Battlefield 3 stood head and shoulders above the rest in a very impressive category. Whether you're referring to the realistic combat, the extraordinary multiplayer, the plethora of vehicles, hyper-detailed graphics, or realistic destruction, giving Battlefield 3 the best shooter award over our other nominees was one of the easiest choices to make.
- Aliens: Colonial Marines (SEGA / Gearbox)
- Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts / Digital Illusions CE)
- BioShock: Infinite (2K Games / Irrational Games)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision / Infinity Ward / Sledgehammer Games)
- Gears of War 3 (Microsoft Game Studios / Epic Games)
- Prey 2 (Bethesda / Human Head Studios)
Best Sports Game
Why go out and play a real sport when you can do it in the comfort of your living room? Okay, moral obligations require us to remind you that playing sports is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Still, these titles bring together the best aspects of their respective representations of their chosen sport in some of the best ways possible.
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Downhill skiing and snowboard games have lent themselves beautifully to video games since the days of the Atari 2600, and the new SSX is a brilliant culmination of the countless snowboarding titles to hit our consoles in that time. The most impressive aspect of the game? the fact that every mountain in the world is available in game. By using Google Maps and NASA data, the developers have rendered more scalable mountains in the game that any human being could possibly see in their lifetime. the fact that the game is super-over-the-top fun certainly helped its case too.
- FIFA Soccer 12 (EA Sports)
- NHL 12 (EA Sports / EA Canada)
- SSX (EA Sports / EA Canada)
Best Strategy Game
Though problem solving is inherent in all games, strategy games are less about shooting your way out of tough situations than thinking your way out. Naturally, this still leaves a world of possibilities open to developers of the genre and opens the doors wide to a variety of titles.
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Tropico 4
What do you do with a tropical island of your own? Tropico 4 leaves that all up to you, while providing you with many options and choices that can make or break your island of bliss. New disasters to avert (or to plague your residents with), new buildings, and the ability to share the island with privatized companies, add to the experience, while the gorgeous graphics leave you craving a Daiquiri as you gallivant in your own paradise. How could we resist?
- Crusader Kings II (Paradox Interactive)
- End of Nations (Trion Worlds)
- Jagged Alliance: Back in Action (Kalypso)
- Tropico 4 (Kalypso / Haemimont)
Platform Awards
While it's nice to see which shooter or which racing game is the best out there, most gamers just don't have every console on the market. We make it easy for you by letting you know our picks for the best titles per console, so you know what to buy the next time you're at the mall.
Best PC Exclusive
The PC has become an often overlooked platform, and unrightfully so. It remains one of the premiere gaming platforms, and although it may not have the modern gaming library you'll find on the consoles, it's strengths allow for a variety of games not easily possible on the consoles. MMO's, true simulations, and real-time strategy still dominate on the PC, plus anyone who just prefers shooting an enemy with a good ole mouse and keyboard.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic
This is the second year in a row that Star Wars: The Old Republic has picked up our best PC exclusive award, the game keeps getting better every time we see it. Featuring a fully voiced cast, epic story lines for each character class, and solid MMO mechanics, Star Wars: The Old Republic is looking to be one of the most promising MMOs in years - perhaps even great enough to unseat the once untouchable World of Warcraft.
- End of Nations (Trion Worlds)
- Jagged Alliance: Back in Action (Kalypso)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (LucasArts / Bioware)
- Torchlight II (Runic Games)
Best Console Exclusive
Winners in this category do not necessarily have to exclusive to that console, but can't be available on any competing platform. For example, to be eligible, a game can appear on the PC, but can only appear on one of the major systems, be it Wii, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3. A title can appear on the PlayStation 3 and the PSP, but not elsewhere. Considering we're in an age where the third party console exclusive is pretty much dead, we felt this change was necessary to encourage a more competitive spirit in the category. Without further ado, we present you our choice for the best Console Exclusive at E3!
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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Who knew that the Wii had some life left in it yet? Leave it adventurer extraordinare Link to unearth it too. Using the full extent of the Wii motion plus and graphics that few thought possible on the Wii hardware, and we know that the latest Zelda adventure will be a hit just like all the others. In the end, it was the controls that sold us, with smooth motions allowing us to steer bugs, launch arrows, throw bombs, and pin-point where we wanted out sword to go. Expect opinions of this game to continue pointing skyward as we approach its release date.
- Forza Motorsport 4 (Microsoft Game Studios / Turn 10)
- Gears of War 3 (Microsoft game Studios / Epic Games)
- Tropico 4 (Kalypso / Haemimont)
- Twisted Metal (SCEA / Eat Sleep Play)
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Fortune (SCEA / Naughty Dog)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo)
Best Multi-Platform Console Game
Games cost millions and millions of dollars to make these days. Is it any wonder then, that publishers push to have their creations appear on as many platforms as possible? Besides, who says that someone should have to lose out on a great gaming experience because they could only afford one of the latest systems? All of these experiences are worth your time, whether experience from behind a 360 controller, mouse and keyboard, Dual Shock 3, Wii-mote, Kinect, PlayStation move, and so on.
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Battlefield 3
Are you really surprised? Battlefield 3 has pretty much taken the award for every category we nominated it for, and was our surprise pick for best multi-platform game. The reasoning is simple, no game brought the "wow" as consistently and convincingly as DICE's masterpiece in the making.
- Batman: Arkham City (WB Games / Rocksteady Studios)
- Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts / Digital Illusions CE)
- BioShock: Infinite (2K Games / Irrational)
- Mass Effect 3 (Electronic Arts / BioWare)
- Prey 2 (Bethesda / Human Head Studios)
- Saints Row The Third (THQ / Volition)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda / Bethesda Game Studios)
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (THQ / Relic)
Best Handheld Game
In a world of 99 cent apps and mobile phone gaming, it was a great comfort to know that standard hand-held gaming is not only alive and well, but can provide a more compelling gaming experience than is possible on an iPhone or Android Handset. Whether experienced on old standbys like the PSP and DS, or through newer, more tech savvy hardware like the 3DS and PS Vita, dedicated portable gaming platforms are still an important part of our industry's future and all of these nominees prove it.
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Kid Icarus: Uprising
It seems Kid Icarus has used the time since his last appearance to really spiff up the gameplay experience in his world. Using the DS' top screen and the touch-screen effectively, you're brought on a funny, anime-esque adventure complete with continuous action, amusing discussions between characters as you play, beautiful graphics, and a great balance between rail- and fighting-style of gaming. Along with there being many a weapon available for your choosing, and the ability to play very well-designed multi-player battles, it's no wonder Kid Icarus rose up to the top in this category.
- Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo)
- Mario Kart 3D (Nintendo)
- Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (Konami / Kojima Productions)
- Resident Evil: Revelations (Capcom)
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss (SCEA / Naughty Dog)
Game of the Show
This is the category you've all been waiting for - the big cheese of the big show itself. The winner listed below has fulfilled every possible criteria that our team of nearly a dozen editors and journalists at the show have come to define the very best in gaming excellence.
While many games manage to make one editor or another cry out in joy this is the title that has the staff most impressed and eager to play. There's only one title that managed to unite the entire crew but there was a runner up that almost managed to disrupt the voting process. Here we tip our hats to these two titles... and beg them to be released already.
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Battlefield 3
You knew this one was coming. Whether playing with friends or playing solo, no game at the show captured our imagination quite like Battlefield 3 - and believe us, there were lots of titles vying for our attention. In the end, it's games like Battlefield 3 that keep us coming back to our favorite hobby time and time again; the never-ending pursuit of the perfect mixture of fun and realism, coupled with technology so advanced that only a few years ago it would be considered science fiction. The technology and polish that has obviously gone into Battlefield 3 not only provided an extremely fun experience, but a sense of wonder as to what might be just around the corner in gaming technology. Kudos to DICE and EA.

BioShock: Infinite
It was obviously the year of "three" at E3 this year, and the third BioShock title had us almost as excited as the opportunity to to take to the field of battle. In fact, BioShock Infinite proved to be quite the contender, unfortunately running up to Battlefield 3 in every category that it was nominated for. Still, BioShock Infinite's demo blew us away, eager to explore more of this "Rapture in the Sky." Part action game, part social commentary, and all mind blowing, BioShock Infinite is a worthy choice of our runner up game of show. Much like Buzz Aldrin being the second man on the moon, being the second best at E3 is nothing to scoff at. Many congratulations go to Ken Levine and his crew at Irrational Games for continuing to make one of the most compelling series of this generation something to get excited about.
- Batman: Arkham City (WB Games / Rocksteady Studios)
- Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts / Digital Illusions CD)
- BioShock: Infinite (2K Games / Irrational Games)
- Mass Effect 3 (Electronic Arts / BioWare)
- Prey 2 (Bethesda / Human Head Studios)
- Saints Row The Third (THQ / Volition)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (LucasArts / BioWare)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda / Bethesda Game Studios)
- Tropico 4 (Kalypso / Haemimont)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo)
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